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Unsere Dozent*innen


Paepcke, Doris

Englisch - Niveau B2, Conversation
Di. 20.02.2024 08:30

If you want to improve your English skills by having fun and nice conversations, this will be the perfect course for you! We will talk about current events and explore a Spotlight edition. Furthermore, we will extend our vocabulary systematically and deal with grammar problems which may arise in the course of our conversations. Don't hesitate to join us!

Kursnummer FO336
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 72,00
Dozent*in: Doris Paepcke
Englisch - Niveau B2/C1, Conversation
Di. 20.02.2024 10:10

If you want to improve your English skills by having fun and nice conversations, this will be the perfect course for you! We will talk about current events and extend our vocabulary systematically; if a grammar problem arises in the course of our conversations, we will deal with it. Don’t hesitate to join us!

Kursnummer FO337
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 94,50
Dozent*in: Doris Paepcke
Englisch - Niveau A2+ Refresh, Communicating in everyday situations
Mi. 21.02.2024 08:30

In diesem Kurs wiederholen und festigen wir den Wortschatz und die Grammatik der Stufe A2. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der gesprochenen Sprache. Buch: Network Refresh Now A2 (Klett / Langenscheid) ab Lektion 2/3

Kursnummer FO322
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 72,00
Dozent*in: Angela Kummer
Englisch - Niveau B1/B2, Conversation
Mi. 21.02.2024 10:10

The main focus of this course is conversation and talking about everything of interest. Next to that we will repeat some grammar and systematically consolidate our B1/B2 vocabulary. Furthermore we will continue with our Spotlight edition no. 12/23. Don't hesitate to join us!

Kursnummer FO334
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 72,00
Dozent*in: Doris Paepcke
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17.05.24 11:30:11